Dawn, lives in London and works in the charity sector.

Dawn, lives in London and works in the charity sector.

Dawn, lives in London and works in the charity sector. 20 Sep, 2017 Dawn, 45, is originally from Lancashire, but has lived in Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow and has now called London home for almost 10 years. She works in the charity sector, helping charities grow...
Your all encompassing guide to dog grooming!

Your all encompassing guide to dog grooming!

Your all encompassing guide to dog grooming! 27 Jul, 2017 Holly Barry from Distinctly shares her article on dog grooming with us – a must read for tips and advice for every dog owner! Your All Encompassing Guide To Grooming Your Dog! Dogs come in all kinds of...
Andrew, vegan artist and biologist

Andrew, vegan artist and biologist

Andrew, vegan artist and biologist 20 Jul, 2017 Andrew Tisley, 42, vegan artist and biologist, lives in West Yorkshire. He has been a study coach for university students for the past 10 years but has always pursued his art work alongside this career. Through his...
Simon, long distance vegan runner.

Simon, long distance vegan runner.

Simon, long distance vegan runner. 13 Jul, 2017 Simon, 47, from Bolton is a vegan long distance runner. He lives with his partner and fosters dogs for Freshfields Animal Rescue. I was brought up with cats and dogs at home, and have looked after rescued ones all my...