1 Apr, 2024

Meet Alfie,

Alfie is a gorgeous, large bundle of purrs. At 13 years young, he has been through a lot of upheaval in his life. He came to us a kitten and was quickly rehomed. A few years later he went missing and it turned out he had moved in with someone round the corner. Once he was located, the original owner didn’t want him back and the new owner couldn’t keep him as he didn’t like her cats. 

After almost a year back at Freshfields, he found a home in 2015 and was as good as gold there. Unfortunately, after 9 years, the owners developed allergies and so he came back to us for the second time. 

We really want to find him a true forever home. He deserves to live out his golden years in comfort.

Alfie loves attention and gently paws at us for more. He gives soft little nibbles on your hands as well while he rubs his face on them. He would love a home where he can have as much attention as he likes and can sleep in a comfy bed.

He loves his food and is a little overweight, he we need a home that will keep an eye on that and help him manage his diet. Otherwise, he has no health issues that we have determined. He is missing a lot of teeth already and the ones he has left are fine for now.

If you are interested in giving Alfie his forever home then please do fill out an application form and email it to us at



  • Admitted - 21/01/2024
  • Breed / Type - DSH
  • Sex - Male
  • Age - 13.5 Years
  • Colour - White and black
  • Vaccinated - Yes
  • Neutered - Yes
  • Used to Kids - Yes
  • Used to Cats - Unknown
  • Used to Dogs - Unknown
  • Toilet Trained - Yes
  • History of Biting - Only friendly gummy bites

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