Specialised Veterinary Treatments Fund

Sometimes the animals we admit into our care only require a general check-up, possibly neutering and some quality nurturing before they are ready to find their new homes. Unfortunately, more often the case is they must undergo specialised surgeries or support treatment, to address years of abuse and neglect. Sometimes animals will be abandoned later in their lives because they develop serious medical conditions that then require ongoing care, when these animals are rescued by Freshfields the cost of that care is initially covered by us and often that care must continue if the animal is to find a new home.

It is against the charity’s ethos to deny care to any animal, regardless of how expensive or long treatment is. For many of these animals the support required is ongoing and therefore continues indefinitely for certain animals when in their new homes.

Veterinary bills run well into the thousands and despite the generous support of the public, an independent charity like ours is rarely robust enough to financially support those treatments without appealing for funds. The amount we are looking to raise, will allow us to generate a separate fund to cover all costs for such specialised treatments and is an ongoing campaign.


Needed: £20,000



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